Hi. I have a question on a topic I cant really ask anyone cause its not really discussed much. I hope it is not offensive in any way. I am talking to a guy who is a ba’al teshuva and he is generally very frum and strict in almost all areas. However he has been telling me some things that do not sit very well with me about what is allowed in a frum intimate relationship. He claims that “asheknazi halacha says it is ok to ejaculate into any orifice of her body” in other words, oral and anal sex are perfectly acceptable. He says wasting seed is seed that you “spill” but these things are not spilling. He also says that this is not a leniency, just a “stam ruling” and that this type of behavior is perfectly normal and very common between very frum couples. He also says that they do not tell you this in kallah classes. He also claims that some orthodox rabbis will even give a psak that it is ok to watch porn with your wife, but he does admit that that is a big leniency. I still find it hard to believe that any frum rabbi would tell a frum couple that they can watch pornography though. I really need the straight truth on this. I feel like something isn’t right in what he is telling me, but maybe I am wrong. I would really appreciate knowing what the deal is here. Thanks a lot.

I am 14 years old. I go to a religious school and all my friends are religious but I am not, however I would really like to become religious. How is this possible if my family do not keep shabbat, is there anything I could say to bring in shabbat and bring out shabbat? Thank you

What constitutes as something that women do and is therefore not allowed by men? for example would a man be allowed to wear a kilt in Ireland? a skirt is a womans garment but in Ireland men wear it. like in the tanach we know men used to wear earrings but this would now be assur because women do so, how did this become feminin do we go according to what goyim are doing if not who decides what is feminine?

Dear Rabbi, I have a question about Judaism's claim of mass revelation. Chapter 22 in II Kings, describes how Chilkiya found a Torah Scroll and Yoshiyahu then began a mass Teshuva movement. According to the Radak, Menasha had eradicated Torah to such an extent, that the people were unfamiliar with its contents. This seems to severely weaken the proof put forth by all the Kiruv organizations that mass revelation could not be fabricated. Here we have how it could be in NaCh itself. Yoshiyahu could have convinced the people at that time to start keeping Torah saying that their ancestors had strayed. This ‘lie’ could not be checked because it puts the story of mass revelation far in the past. At the very least, if we have a point in our history during which very few people kept or even know about Torah, how could we use this as a compelling proof of mass revelation and the authenticity of Judaism? I lool forward to your response. Kol Tuv, Yosef I l

Hey, I ama FFB (frum from birth) having some doubts/concerns about Judaism, and I was reading up and I think I may be considered an Apicorais, is this an irreversible problem, and also, do I need to worry about my aidus regarding kashrus being invaildated towards my family? I'm basically asking for any information you can give me regarding my situation.