Please explain further the concept of haym vehaym divrei Elokim Chaim. In the introduction to Mishnah Torah, Raavad says zeh lo haya veloh nivrah. How can that be reconciled?

this is a test question to see what happens... you guys are doing a great job and we love you...

I hope you don't mind my asking, but I am only sending this e-mail because I am embarrased to ask our Rabbi on the phone. I remember learning in Kallah classes that the vagina is off limits to my husband. My husband never learned this. Is it true? If yes, how do I tell him? Thank you so much in advance! Chana

1. What is the origin of the custom of having the chatan wear a kittel at the chupah? 2. What is the origin of the custom of having the chatan wearing an overcoat OVER the kittel? Thank you very much for looking into this for me.

my wife is away for shabbos, i will be eating at a friends house on friday night do i light shabbos candles