I believe that they play with me, but I love him ... Can exist some relation between a Jew and a catholic girl? Is a problem that? greetings and thank you very much

I am interested in finding out the hebrew names for Isadore and Leon. Thankyou, Stacey

Exists some possibility to be accepted in the Jewish community? I consider that if accepts to me with taste it would fulfill all the norms. What I can do? Thanks!!!

This Shabbos a queston was raised.If you cannot eat meat during the 9 days, why can you eat meat during Shiva?We decided that mourning for the people of Israel is greater than an individual's.What do you think?

What I really have to say is more of a statement of my current (confused) feelings. So much of what I learn, daf yomi for example, seems excrutiatingly irrelevant. Am I to really look forward to the rebuilding of the temple so that the kohen gadol will perform the avodah? Based on the haftorah for this past week, God could get plenty 'weary' of the mechanics of the avodah. What are the various expectations (tannaim & amoraim, rishonim) with regard to the messianic era? I feel that we are just in the middle of repeating yet another tisha b'av, yet rather than becoming expert "mourners of zion" k'halacha im kol hachumrot, should'nt we focus almost exclusively on curing the causes of this supposed sickness called galut? I say supposed because perhaps the galut itself is meant to be the "cure". Part of he "cure" may be gettting purged out of so much of the galut by persecution and the shoah. Well, I'm rambling on a quite bit, and that is my problem: I wish I had clarity. Further questions: In previous parshiyot, (matot-masei, devarim], we read what Moshe wrote about the wars commanded by hashem. We read even that hashem hardened the heart of [sichon?] with the result being that the jews killed off the entire kingdom, leaving not a single survivor. Is that a model for ideal jewish behaviour? Was that hora'at hasha'ah? (By the way, I support Israel's aims vis a vis the hizbullah. I do not want to attack innocents, if such exist, but the future of Israel & many jewish people requires the elimination of hizbullah. The civilians were warned to leave.) I guess my frustration is that I do not see results form all of this "avoda" ie. learning about the yom kippur avoda of bayit sheni. After all, according to some of chazal that I recall, it was the malaise & perhaps inner rot that led to the churban, e.g. sinat chinam, lack of kindness, study of 'witchcraft' rather than the art of war.