On the question of the lineage of Messiah. I understand that Jesus was ruled out due numerous reasons one being the lineage of King Jehoiakim. But what then is the proper lineage of the Messiah. Should this be an important factor in identifying the Messiah? Any help you could give me in this subject would be greatly appreciated. In advance, thank you for your help. Shalom Shalom, James

to follow up on my question, i can not find certied kosher polyviflour tablets for my kids. teva pharmacuticals used to make a generic kosher brand and is discontinued. a pharmacist told me that there is no gelatin in tablets so these multi vitamins need not a hechsher. please tell me where i can find kosher vitamins with flouride? p.s. i also have checked the kosher thank you

On the question of the lineage of Messiah. I understand that Jesus was ruled out due numerous reasons one being the lineage of King Jehoiakim. But what then is the proper lineage of the Messiah. Should this be an important factor in identifying the Messiah? Any help you could give me in this subject would be greatly appreciated. In advance, thank you for your help. Shalom Shalom, James