I have 3 questions. Firstly does one say mezonot on cakes after a seudah, or does motzi cover it? Secondly, there is a halacha that one should read the parasha twice and targum once every week. Why is this? Lastly, I have read that there are some foods that should not be eaten on erev yom kippur to avoid emissions. Is this halacha or minhag and what are these foods? Thank you very much.

In 1924, Israel Abrahams said "To us Jews, the 4th Gospel (John) is the most Jewish of the four" between Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Can you tell me why he said that and also, if I were trying to convert people to Christianity, why should I tell them to start reading the Bible and begin with the Book of John?

on erev yom kippur there is a minhag to go to the mikveh. However where this can't be done there are 2 other alternatives brought down in halacha. One can pour 9 kabin (3.5 gallons) of water over ones head, or according to the Ben Isch Chai there is a ritual of how to wash ones hands explained in the commentary to parashat netzavim. I could not find this form of netilat yadayim, could you explain it to me? The Ben Isch Chai is a safardi authourity, but is the pouring of the 9 kabin a ashkenazi minhag or sefaradi one? As a ashkenazi if this isn't an askenazi minhag can i still follow it? Thank you very much.

I'm a non jew but have a question I would like to ask about the concept of the Messiah in Judism. I was raised in a christian family but do not believe any longer that Jesus is God, a part of God or the son of God. But my brother tells me I have to believe that God brought himself down to earth in the form of a man, being Jesus , and that he died for my sins. If I don't believe that someone died for my sins, I will not be saved from Hell. He even told him that the Jewish people who are waiting for their Messiah to come, believe in the same concept as the christians and believe the Messiah will be apart of God and he will die for the sins of the jews? Do jewish people believe that someone is going to die for their sins? I just don't believe this is true and really need an answer. I would greatly appreciate if you could answer this question. Respectly, Gayle(U.S.A.)