Is it true that adherents to Judaism are forbidden to debate with Christians. If so why.

Why is it Sefardim can eat rice at passover and ashkenazi do not and what part of Halacha denotes the correct law and custom.

If only one day of Rosh Hashana maybe observed due to various reasons, which one should it be or it does not matter? I do not allow my name to be published. Thanks, Sara

Sholem aleichem, I'm a baal tshuvah wannabe. My first spiritual models were people like Gandhi and M.L. King, and being rodef shalom v' tzedek has always been at the core of my being, before and after my turn toward Torah and mitzvot. Along with my many tenacious internal obstacles, the biggest external obstacle I face is the prevalence of anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian, anti-Muslim hostility in the frum world, which I am expected to share. Two questions: 1) How is it that some of the most spiritually sensitive and conscientiously self-aware people I know can be so oblivious to (or unconcerned about) their own bigoted attitudes and language when it comes to "goyim"? 2) How can a Torah newbie like me - especially one deeply involved in the pursuit of reconciliation between peoples - best approach the multiplicity of sharply contradictory Torah-based views of zionism and the state of Israel, such as one finds expressed by, for example, Rav A. I. Kook, Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, a

Hello, I was raised catholic and have a couple of questions concerning the first book of the Torah that no catholic, christian, or jehovah witness could answer and I was hoping for some insight. 1 - Why does God refer to himself in the plural twice, and 2) who are the people Cain is afraid of finding him if at this point the text states there were only the four of them (Adam, Eve, Cain, & Abel)? thank you, Donald