Hello, I am a woman who is past menopause. I have not had a period for well over a year. Due to menopause, my vaginal walls are thin. I am on a hormone replacement therapy for this and other issues related to menopause. After relations with my husband I had a little spotting. Am I required to go to the mikvah since the cause of the bleeding is not from my menstrual cycle? Also, if doing a bedikah check may also cause bleeding. Please advise. Thank you.    

Shalom. I recently got to know that there is a Jewish sector whose name is Jewish Universalism. It is founded by Steven Blane. Thus sector claims that Judaism is open to anybody. It seems that it is one form of Reform Judaism. It is running Sim Shalom group. Is it OK for Jews and gentiles to participate online service of this denomination? Thank you.

Our home came with 3 very large coconut trees. They are a danger as we have little kids running around in the backyard and are afraid of a coconut falling on them (they do fall randomly). Are we allowed to remove them?