Hello, this is a quick question - I see people raise their pinky when the Torah is lifted and then kiss it before putting their finger down. What is the meaning behind that practice and does the pinky stay up the entire time the Torah is raised and only put down once the Torah is covered? Thank you.

There is a rabbinic prohibition on harchakot during niddah. Is pouring meshuval wine considered it? Or no does it have a different din to regular wine?

I want to know what to do about this situation. My husband does not follow or even have a relationship with one single rabbi when it comes to Halacha. He ‘rabbi shops’ when he wants something to be permitted. He looks out for a rabbi to permit something that often is largely forbidden. Very often, Rabbi A will say that X is permitted and Y is forbidden while Rabbi B will say that X is forbidden and Y is permitted, so he will follow Rabbi A’s ruling for X and Rabbi B’s ruling for Y. He also frequently uses ‘Rabbi Google’ to find answers to questions of Halacha rather than asking a rabbi himself. If 10 orthodox rabbis have written online that something is forbidden and one says it’s permitted, he will follow the one who says it’s permitted. And he will boast that Rabbi Whoever from Wherever who most people have never heard of says it’s permitted.

Halacha prohibits rape. My question is whether “rape by deception” is classified as rape in Halacha