Meaning of “Mazal Tov”
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People often translate it as “Congratulations” or “Good Luck!” But it is actually a phrase that conveys something much more significant about our existence in this world and our relationship with God.
The word “Mazal” is literally associated with the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the “Mazalot.” Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto explains that there is a multi-leveled conceptual system through which God interacts with the physical Creation. In other words, “energy” from God travels through this system and eventually reaches us. At some point along the way, this energy is said to pass through the Mazalot, the stars and the planets, and transferred to the rest of Creation. This explains how people correctly trained in astrology may know what will happen to an individual in the future. However, we are actually forbidden to engage in the prediction of the future via astrology even though it may work. The source of this prohibition is in a verse that says, “You shall be trusting with the Lord your God.”
Judaism teaches that there are three life-issues which are directly affected by the Mazalot: life, children and livelihood. However, we are also taught that “There is no Mazal regarding the Jewish People.” This apparent contradiction is explained by the classical sources to mean that the influence of Mazalot can be overcome by the Jewish People through prayer and other great merits.
So, what do we mean when we say “Mazel Tov”? We are saying a brief prayer at this time which is strongly influenced by the Mazalot, that God will ensure that the “energy” that is sent will be only for good.
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