

Is Lilith still alive and doing harm to the righteous people?



  1. No, not really.

    Having said that, extremely little is said of Lilith in the Talmud and Midrashim. The Eitz Yosef commentary on the Midrash points out that the Zohar haKadosh refers to Lilith several times in Parshas Acharei Mos.

    Here is some information about Lilith that you may find helpful: According to the Eitz Yosef, Bamidbar Rabbah 17, Lilith is the ‘mother’ of the Shedim who, when she can’t find anyone to damage, damages her own children. In particular, Lilith is the mother the demon Hurmiz. Rashi in Bava Basra 73a-b comments that Hurmiz was fathered by “Adam and a demoness. However, it is not clear if Rashi means ‘Adam’ as in the first man, or ‘adam’ as in ‘a person,’ since in Hebrew ‘adam’ can mean both. The subject of Hurmiz is discussed in the book “The Juggler and the King” by Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Feldheim Publishers.

    Best wishes from the Team