Jacob’s Blessings


Why did Jacob, when blessing all of his sons, bless them out of their birth order? He doesn’t even bless them in the order of their mothers like it might seem, as all of Leah’s children are blessed first and all of Rachel’s are blessed last. Bilhah and Zilpah’s children are not blessed in groups, but rather Zilpah’s children are blessed between the birth of Bilhah’s two children. Also, Leah’s last two children are blessed out of birth order. Is there a midrash on this somewhere? I’m sure it must be based on Jacob’s previous blessings of Joseph’s children out of order, but I cannot seem to find it. Thank you.



  1. The Rabbis explain that first Jacob blessed the six sons of Leah. After that he then blessed Dan who was the firstborn of Bilha – Rachel’s maidservant (Jacob deliberately wanted to bless Rachel’s children last).

    After Dan he then blessed Zilpah’s firstborn Gad, and then Asher, Zilpah’s second son. The reason that he blessed Asher next and not Naftali is because Asher and Gad had a special relationship. The Tribe of Asher was very wealthy and the Tribe of Gad were fierce warriors and Asher would make sure to supply anything that Gad was missing in order that Gad could defend the people without having to worry about where its livelihood would come from.

    The last two to receive blessings were Joseph and Benjamin, who were born the last from all the bothers, and who were the sons of Jacob’s most beloved wife.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team