Conversion for Transgender


Dear Rabbi,

I have been considering converting to Judaism, but I identify as transgender (female to male). I have not had any gender affirming treatments as of right now. Am I allowed to convert? Does Jewish law permit transitioning? If I were to convert before undergoing any treatments, would I convert as a woman, and would I have to re-do any procedures following my transition? Do I need to wait until after transition to convert? I apologize if this is a question to which the answer is obvious.

Thank you!



  1. Transgenderism is a very sensitive subject. While not belittling the difficulties that a transgender person faces, Judaism believes that both the body and the soul belong to God and that they have been placed together by God for the time that they spend in this world. That means that the body and the soul of each person has been Divinely matched to allow us all to reach our potential. God gives each and every one of us the tools that we need to be able to reach the highest levels of connection to Him and for us to be able to make the greatest impact that we can. Subsequently, I do not think that it is possible for a person who is transgender to convert according to Jewish Law.

    Best wishes from the Team