Book of the Prophet Amos


In the beginning of Amos, he claims to prophesy during a time that is during the reigns of both Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel, and 2 years before a great earthquake. This looks to be in the first 14 years of Uzziah’s reign, as these are the only years when Uzziah and Jeroboam II reigned contemporaneously. Thus it cannot be the earthquake that occurred when Uzziah rebelliously offered incense in the Temple. Are there any records that indicate in what year of Uzziah’s reign the earthquake of Amos occurred? As always, Thanks.



  1. According to Rashi, the foremost commentator on the Bible, Amos is referring to the earthquake that occurred when Uzziah entered the Temple illicitly to burn incense. It was at that time that Uzziah was punished with spiritual leprosy.

    It is the same earthquake that is mentioned by both Isaiah, 6:4, and Zechariah, 14:5. Two years before the earthquake, Amos had a prophecy that he relayed to the people that this event would indeed occur.

    Best wishes from the Team