Dear Rabbi, I heard that this week is a Jewish holiday called “Tu B’Shevat – New Year for the Trees.” Would you explain the message of this holiday for us today? Thanks.

Is the sudah hamaseket mandatory? I feel I cannot eat the egg dipped in ash because I severely dislike hard boiled eggs and never eat them.

I'm really struggling with binge and restricting eating disorder so fasting is very triggering for me, plus I'm really struggling overall emotionally, I'm enough sad Do I have to fast on Tisha b'ov

I am scheduled to be the Bal Koreh at my shul this coming Shabbos. I need to rehearse the reading some time this week. But I am busy with work all week and have little free time. The one exception is I am off the entire day on Thursday for Tisha B’Av. I know one is not supposed to study Torah on Tisha B’Av. But in this case it is a necessity. Making time on other days is not an option. The congregational rabbi is away now and is unreachable at the moment and he has entrusted me with this task. Can one study Torah reading on Tisha B’Av in order to be able to read properly at a later date?

I am a public school teacher and I have a mandatory meeting in preparation for the school year scheduled at the time Eichah is read on Tisha B’Av. I am not allowed to skip it. They will not change the time just for me when hundreds of teachers will be there and they can’t make it a convenient time for everyone. And sitting on a low seat there is out of the question because they want to maintain a professional image and they won’t provide one or allow me to bring my own. This meeting takes place every year around this time, but has never been on Tisha B’Av. What should I do?

Our nephew is getting married the Sunday before Tisha B’Av. Even though one is not supposed to get married then, they are non-observant Jews who don’t know better. My nephews and nieces are mostly intermarried and I have been at odds all these years with my siblings for not attending any of their children's weddings. This is the first biological nephew or niece of mine who is marrying a Jew, and I have long promised that if any of them would marry a Jew, I would attend. I really do need to attend in order to keep my promise and maintain harmony with my siblings, even though it is a 9-days violation. What would you suggest I do when at the wedding?

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Do any poskim permit one to recite the parshas haman on Tisha b’Av if one says it daily during the rest of the year? Thanks a lot.

I have a chavrusa who isn't frum, but I'd like to share with him sites he can see on Sunday with shiurim on Tisha B'Av. Can you suggest some programs I can recommend?