Hi, I am writing an assignment on different Jewish perspectives regarding reproductive cloning for my study of religion class and just had a few questions. What are some Jewish views on reproductive cloning? Are the views different in orthodox and reform on reproductive cloning? What scriptures and core beliefs mainly inform these views? Thank you!

Is it a requirement according to Halacha to wear masks in public these days? The reality I see is that most people, including most Orthodox Jews, don’t wear masks in crowded places like retail stores and the synagogue. Trouble is, the failure to wear a mask poses a risk that one might spread COVID to another person, and then there is a chance that the person who catches COVID could die? And of course it is forbidden to put another’s life at risk. Even if the person one catches COVID from does not die, they could spread it to another person who might die. What is the role of Halacha in mask usage?

A couple in our community is in the process of a bitter divorce. I have known them for many years and really like both of them. I have only seen good in them until now. Now each one is saying bad things about the other, all without proof, just word against word, with the expectation of being believed. I cannot tell what is true and what is not, but because their statements contradict, I know some of them are lies. People who know them are taking sides as they embark on a heated custody battle that could take months or years to resolve. How do the laws of lashon hara apply to this situation? What may I believe and what should I ignore?

My father is Jewish from birth, but my mother had a reformed conversation. I was raised as a Jew, going to temple every Shabbat and to Hebrew school. I have always considered myself a Jew. Only after I grew up did I learn the truth that I am not officially a Jew because the conversion my mother had is invalid. I very badly want an Orthodox conversion as soon as possible. I spent a lot of time around Orthodox Jews growing up and I already know how to practice Orthodox Judaism. But I have some questions. 1.) Do I get a head start in the conversion process, such as in the amount of time it takes? Or are the rules exactly the same for me and all other prospective converts? 2.) I had a bris when I was 8 days. Does this bris count? Or do I have to be circumcised again?

Dear Rabbi, I have been pondering for sometime now, and no amount of convincing will change my mind. I want to be a Jew. But I am uncircumcised, and all the online advice for Jewish male converts regarding circumcision are for those who already have been circumcised. The very least I could learn would be what it would cost to get a mohel who operates on adults. As I have very little money and need to plan this in advance, to make sure I could save the money. Or if perhaps I could take it into my own hands and circumcise myself, like Avraham did.   Sorry if this question is a simple, or has already been answered. But I really would like some advice.   Thank you, A future Jew

Dear Rabbi, Does “being humble” mean being meek, weak, inadequate and fragile? I ask this because that’s how it seems people use it in everyday speech nowadays. Thank you

Dear Rabbi, I’ve read different things about the importance of beauty according to Judaism. It seems that some say it is not important and only one’s inner self has meaning. Others say that physical beauty is also important. Would you please clarify what, if any, importance does Judaism attach to physical beauty? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, Someone in my university is constantly insulting me. I’m fat, I’m stupid, I’m a loser, blah blah blah. What does Judaism about how I should respond to such insulting behavior? Thanks!