In Genesis it speaks of the Garden of Eden and mention two trees in particular. The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God tells Adam and Eve they can eat from every tree in the garden except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. My question is: So could Man eat from the “Tree of Life”? Thank you.

I am nominated for an excellence in teaching award and can possibly win 15,000 dollars that I can of course use and it would be great for the name of my school if I win. The problem with the award is that it can create possible feelings of jealousy among the teachers. According to Judaism is it my problem how other people allow themselves to feel and is it my responsibility not to create situations that may end up invoking bad feelings?

Hi Rabbi, I’m often wondering, "What’s next in my life?" My friends tell me this it’s normal to think about one’s future. But, if I’m thinking about what will happen next, how can I really enjoy the present? Thanks!

Shalom Rabbi, what is the Jewish perspective on birthdays and birthday celebrations? Thank you.

Hi Rabbi, how can I be successful at enjoying the physical pleasures in the world but not be influenced in a bad way? Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, what is the correct Torah outlook regarding the upcoming presidential elections in the US between Trump and Biden? Thank you.

The messiah is obviously Jewish. Is it because Jews are wise and smart? Is it because Jews are righteous and holy? Why did HaShem decide that the messiah would be Jewish?  

Hi Rabbi, my group of friends was discussing the idea of whether a person has a soul and if the soul continues to exist even after a person dies. Could you give me an idea to share with them — something different than a verse or a teaching from a source that not everyone in the group may accept as absolute truth? Thanks!

Hi Rabbi, with all the history of wars, violence and seemingly non-stop tragedy in the world, do you think that we can really do something to achieve world peace? I certainly hope so, but I’m starting to be a little cynical. Thanks!

What is Judaism’s position on racism? I’m asking this in light of tragic events and the widespread coverage of what people are claiming to be acts of racism, especially in Minnesota recently.