If you own commercially processed food that is not certified as kosher for Passover, but contains no actual chametz in the listed ingredients, are you required to sell it with your chametz?

If on the Shabbat after Pesach, like what occurred this year in Israel, a Jew living in Israel is offered as a gift from a gentile a chametz food item that is in a sealed package with a hechsher, is he permitted to consume it?

This year; the last day of Pesach/Passover ended on Friday. I was informed by the Gabbai that you can continue to eat Matzah because there is no bread available the next day on Shabbat. Since we are discussing the mitzvah de'oraita (Torah mitzvah) and not a mitzvah de'rabbanan (Rabbinic mitzvah), I cannot see how you can this mitzvah de'oraita. I would appreciate your view on the subject. Thanking you in advance and shavua tov. Bernie Crammer (Baruch Ben Chaim Crammer)

I grew up Chasidish and I have left the community but I wanna observe not eating chometz on Pesach. The laws I was taught are too much for me. Is it okay if I just do not eat "real" chometz and do not kasher my pots? I do not have the resources to do all that. But also I do not wanna be get the punishment for eating chometz. Can you help me with some info on this? Thank you from a lost "Jewnicorn"