I work in a Jewish institution which employs a large number of non-Jews. Actually, I am the only Jew in the office. We all share a communal fridge and various snacks. It is assumed that if something is in the fridge it is for everyone's consumption. I brought in a container of peanut butter and leave it in this fridge. Must I take it out for Passover? Wouldn't taking it out be saying that it really is mine, even though I do not feel that way? I do not want to remove it and have people think I do not want them to use it. Although everyone seems respectful, often I overhear colleagues saying things like "that Law is stupid" etc. They are not being hateful, they just do not understand, and I would not want to do something that might incite any form of hatred towards my traditions. My immediate supervisor has a private fridge (he is Christian). Would a solution be to ask him to hold the peanut butter in his fridge for the week? Please advise. Thank you and chag Pesach kosher v'samaich!

Hello- Is one permitted to use a timer to set up a grind and brew coffee machine to have coffee ready for Yom Tov morning? Thank you

Almost every Seder Plate I've ever seen arranges the six items in a circle, in a specific order that seems to be nobody's minhag (custom). I've asked Rabbis and looked at various Haggadahs, and nobody seems to have the minhag to arrange them the way all the plates are made. Not Sephardim, not Ashkanazim, not Litvaks and not Chassidim. How come?

What is the correct blessing to say before eating Quinoa?   Are Chia seeds ok to eat on Passover (for Ashkenazim)?

I thought we’re not supposed to use tricks to get around laws in Judaism. So could you explain to me how selling chametz on paper, and then getting it back after Pesach, is okay? Isn’t it just a trick since we know that the buyer is never going to take the chametz? Thanks.

Rabbi, what is the significance of speaking about the four types of sons (children) at the Passover Seder? Thank you and happy Passover!

If you spend Pesach as well as several days before Pesach in a hotel, do you have to do Bedikat Chametz in the hotel room?