Exodus 1:7 says, "And YHVH said unto Moshe, see, I have made thee a "god" to Pharoah: and Aharon thy brother shall be thy prophet." Aleph~Lamed~Hei~ Yud~Mem spells elohim, meaning " god, " divine ones, ruler, special works or possessions of G-d, mighty. This is Moshe's description in relation to Pharaoh. Would this title have entitled Moshe to be "endowed" with favor, wisdom, and divine power from the Most High? Moshe was said to speak mouth to mouth with YHVH, and beheld His similitude. Numbers 12:8 What was Moshe's secret to obtain this extraordinary closeness ? Yah doesn't respect persons or titles, so we're all on an equal playing field, or are we? I desire with my whole heart this level of love. Are wiling obedience and Torah study key principles? Shalom Yishrah

Hi Rabbi, who gave Moshe his name? I heard it was the daughter of Pharaoh, who found him in the Nile River. If so, why didn’t his parents give him his name? Thanks.

There is reference to Moshe being a prophet and lawgiver. However in Numbers 12:6-8, Hashem states that He makes Himself known to a prophet in vision, and speaks to him in a dream. 12:7 No so with My servant Moshe, he is trustworthy in all My house 12:8 I speak with him mouth to mouth, and plainly and not in riddles. And he sees the form of Hashem. So why were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moshe? Do you agree that these scriptures denote Moshe had deeper intimacy (SOD) with Hashem? What do you think?