If during the present time, as Israel goes to war against the enemy, an Israeli soldier meets a woman in Gaza and finds her attractive, and convinces her to convert to Judaism and marry him, would he be required to follow all the steps described at the beginning of Ki Tetze for one who finds a beautiful woman among the captives?

Hi, I wanted to hear the Rav's opinion on what should be the reason that a hashkafically solid person wants to get married. And how do we know if our motivation to do so is aligned with the Torah? Thank you

Dear Rabbi Can a married woman do tantric massage with a female therapist ? I am the husband and I agree with that Thank you

I earn all the money for the household at the present time, but my wife does most of the food shopping. Very often, my wife buys food that she considers to have bought for herself. She charges it on a credit card account that we share jointly, then I pay the bills. She then complains when I eat any of ‘her’ food that she considers that she has bought for herself, even though the money I earned is paying for 100% of it. Is it considered stealing if I eat food that she considers hers, even as I am the one paying?

Supposed a married man’s wife wants him to spend time with her and his failure to do so could threaten the well-being of his marriage to her. At the same time, one or both of his parents want him to devote his attention to them to have their pressing needs met. He can only please one or the other. The scenario comes up suddenly and there is no time to ask a rabbi the moment it happens. Who is the man supposed to give priority to?

With regard to OC"H 240 4 would it be permitted to look through a mirror or picture. By regular ervah the issur is based on hirhur and I would understand that it would be prohibited. However one may definitely think of this place, would there still be a issur? If you can give a source for your answer I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Theodore