Hello, I am a protestant Christian, and have a friend who is also protestant. My friend claims I am sinning by eating a rare steak. He claims that any blood in the meat is "cooked out" when meat is cooked well done. That would seem to eliminate the koshering process. It seems to me, any residual blood in meat cooked well done would be eating cooked blood. Is it possible to " Cook the blood out of meat"? Thank you for your thoughts. God Bless!

Jerusalem history Holy Temple what happened why is so important Western Wall what happened if the wall fall because the war Sanctity, Aliyah it have a cost Land-based Mitzvot what are the mitzvot Archeology how much it cost Israel Today opp because antisemitism Arab-Israeli Conflict opp and why you think this is happening

Hi, I have a relative who does not keep shabbos, we know this because of her instagram after shabbos, and it’s a known thing in my family. Her kitchen is kosher, is it a problem for Pas Yisroel and Bishel Yisroel?

Hello I was reading about orlah fruit which are considered un-kosher if the fruit is beared within the first three years of the fruits life. Citrus fruit such as oranges can bear fruit within the first 1-2 years of the trees life. So if I bought a orange from the grocery store (U.S),would it be considered treif?

I always thought a 6-hour waiting period before eating dairy is not necessary after eating pareve food off fleishig dishes. But I recently was over the home of a rabbi who told me a 6-hour wait is required after eating pareve food that was cooked in pots or pans that were previously used to cook meat, even if there is no meat present at the meal. What’s up with that?