On chol hamoed, Halacha permits melacha which isn’t intricate, but intricate melacha (generally) is forbidden. Can one use a 3d printer on chol hamoed? Are there any Teshuvot on this

I have very small hands for an adult male, even smaller than my wife’s hands. There are cheap ladies gloves that are available in stores in lots of colors, but the ones in dark neutral colors look like they can be men’s gloves. It’s convenient for my wife and I to be able to share them. Does a man wearing ladies gloves that don’t look particularly feminine violate the biblical prohibition against wearing clothes of the opposite gender?

According to this article it is conceivably possible for human beings to turn their bone marrow into sperm and impregnate without physical intercourse. My question is, when this becomes possible would a woman be allowed to impregnate herself with her own bone marrow, or would this be prohibited Arayot (likely incest)? Is this prohibited in Halacha?

I have noticed, that many Christians will say a prayer over food when one is a guest in their home. I am wondering if this counts as food offered to idols? What would be the best way, to deal with this conundrum?

According to Halacha, chalitza has to be seen by a beit din. Therefore, does Halacha allow for chalitza ceremony to happen with the beit din watching via zoom? By that, I mean the widow takes the brother in law’s shoe and does the whole ceremony as required by the Torah, but the people who have to see the ordeal are watching via a live camera like zoom. Please include sources/reasoning

There is a Halachic prohibition of Onaah, over charging the price of a commodity in a market. Halacha does permit the high pricing on new goods that you create and sell. My question is, is it Onaah to charge higher than market rate for a commodity type that exists already but is a unique and innovated version of it, for example a new type of phone or car with different features, designs, models etc.? Source for the answer to this question please

Does the Torah’s prohibition against tattoos apply to spray tanning? Has any posek ever ruled on a question like this?