Since Canaanites are Semites and Semites claim to be Jews, that would mean Jews are Canaanites with Canaanite blood. Perhaps you are mistaken and it's Ju's who are both Semites as well Ju's. That makes sense doesn't it Rabbi? Ju for Judah, Judea, Judean, Judge, Jury, Jurisprudence, Justice; not Jewda, Jewdea, Jewdean, Jewdge Jewry or Jewrisprudence. Most of Yahudi are proficient in Hebrew but not so proficient in English. I am a Letter scholar in English so I know what I am talking about. A 'Jew' is a Aryan Druidic priest, originating in Ireland. The English word 'Jew' originates with the Irish Yew Tree. The Aryan Druidic Priesthood holds the Yew tree sacred and took their name Jew from it. What we seem to have is a case of plagiarism, does it not? The Druidic priesthood and Aryan nations worldwide deserve an apology from the Ju's for all of the evil perpetrated by crypto-Jew Ju's. ew = we J, not u J. J = We Johns 111 aka Jack n Jew not U n Ju. YHVH = JHVH. Y=J in English. V = U in Roman. U+ U = Double U or W. JHWH. YHWH = YaHu We He (plural). Yahu = Saturn JHWH = JoH(n) We He (plural). Joh (n) = Satan Saturn/Moloch = your G-d (Charles 111) Windsor Satan/Jesus = our God (John 111) Chapman Vowels a e i o u y + JHWH = JoH We Vowels: a e i o u y JoH We He  

The Torah says that we don’t have to worry about the shmitta year because G-d will provide a double harvest in the 6th year. I would like to know when in history did the blessing stop ? thank you

HaShem commanded Jews to eliminate Amalek. It seems that even very small amount of mercy toward Amalek is unforgivable. If HaShem hated Amalek so much, why did he create them? Apparently HaShem has an option not to make Amalek from the first place. Why did He create Amalek, then ordered Jews to destroy them?

What do the rabbis say about these verses, in general? And more specifically, in verse 2 who is "they"? And verses 6-7, and finally what about David wearing the "linen ephod? Was this the ephod worn by the High Priest?   Thanks David

Dear Rabbi, Are there forces or circumstances in the world that make a person a certain way, without the person being really responsible for options and results throughout life? For example, might a thief be innocent because of “the stars,” or fate or destiny? Thank you!

I guest the title says is all but I am interested in the process of killing and preparing the animal lets say cow or lamb for sacrifice on the altar and the process of shechting the animal for Korban and the checking after shechita for Moom like current Shochtim do compare to the Shechita process if it is at all appropriate to call it that for Korban. For example is the animal let live up to the Altar? In current Shechita we do not know if the animal if Kosher till after the Bedika of the organs after Shechita. Also if we find a nick on the knife after that shechita is that also a problem? If the Animal in the Beis Hamikdash was led up the ramp live and Shechted on the top then where its organ checked afterward or not?

Bethuel (Rebecca’s father) and Laban (Rebecca’s brother) are both referred to as Aramean. What is the significance of Aramean? Doesn’t that make Rebecca also Aramean? Yet the word Aramean is not mentioned in connection to Rebecca. Why not?

Hi Rabbi, I hope you are well. I've got a question that I haven't received a satisfactory answer to, yet, and am wondering if you might know. In Rambam's introduction to Mishneh Torah, he lists the mesorah of the Torah She'Baal Peh, and says Pinchas was the link between Yehoshua and Eli (HaKohen). However, there is a gap of over 300 years between Yehoshua and Eli, over which the book of Judges covers the limited leadership in Israel over that period. Did Pinchus live that entire time?

Dear Rabbi, I am puzzled about the symbolic nature of lions in Judaism. I recently saw a Synagogue with lions on the Ark’s curtains on either side of the Ten Commandments. I would like to understand this practice. Also, I wonder why it isn’t distasteful having the Ten Commandments surrounded by non-kosher animals. Thanks!