What was Eliza trying to achieve by placing his stick on the woman's son? Was it a ritual, a healing act, or something else entirely? What is the meaning of Eliza's act?

Henry Kissinger : "Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong." Now, Henry Kissinger was a self-hating Jew, a traitor and a war criminal. But what of his charge? What have we been doing wrong?

When G-d made people speak different languages following Babel, did the people have sudden amnesia in which they were instantly talking differently? Or was it just a decree in which over time, people would move to different parts of the world, where their single language would be corrupted in different ways to the point in which over the years, they would speaking in different unrecognizable dialects?

I heard that every orthodox boys study Torah. However, there are some obscene parts like affairs between Judah and Tamar and Lot and his 2 daughters. These parts are very embarrassing even to adults. How do Jews teach these kinds of obscene stuffs in Torah to boys?

Did people pray at home as well as visit the Temple during the Temple period? Were there set prayers or liturgy?

Dear Rabbi, What prayer can I do to ask for protection for the people of Israel? Thank you