Does God love me? How do you know? How do we know that everything that God does is really for the good? How do we know that God Himself is good? Why should I want to serve Him if He just keeps putting me through so much pain again and again??

Assalamu Alaikum Rabi. I am a Muslim. I have a question for you. Is the Allah of the Qur'an and Jehovah of the Torah the same God? Do Muslims and Jews worship the same God? The reason I ask this question is because Christians say that Jehovah has a son, Jehovah is Three, Jesus is Jehovah. Now my question is do you Jews worship Allah? Do Muslims and Jews worship the same God. Please answer sir.

Dear Gateways Rabbi, What is so important about the prayer of saying the “Shema Yisrael”? Thanks

My name is Caleb and I'm not Jewish. I just have a question. In Exodus 32 verse 27, Moses tells the Levi's to kill their brother, their companion, and his neighbor. My question is, wouldn't that be a blood sacrifice and why did Moses tell them to murder innocent blood?

Do the commentators disagree much head on.Is there many cases where they disagree with someones SPECIFIC view.

Hello! So I was wondering how the Jewish population thinks humans were created! I'm very curious about different religions and I would love to know!

Among gentiles, Job is considered to be the most righteous. He was pious enough not to say any blasphemy even during his suffering. However, Job's descendants are not under the eternal covenant. It is Abraham's descendants who are covenantal people. Why was Abraham chosen, instead of Job? What was the spiritual superiority over Job?

What is the criteria to of Hebrew law to recognize the coming Messiah ?

Dear Rabbi, I apologize for asking such basic questions, but I hope you don’t mind answering them. Who is God and what is the purpose of Mankind? Thanks!