Dear Rabbi, Would you teach me the meaning of the manna that was eaten in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt? Thanks

I am currently preparing a lesson on Joshua's preparation to take over after Moses has passed. However, I am reading from someone that Moses had a temporary tent of meeting which is not the Tabernacle. This is the first time I have ever read such a thing. They are saying it is based on the original Hebrew of Exodus 33 verse 7. I am unable to find any substantiation of this in my library. Could this have any validity? Thank you

Hello, First off I want to state I am Christian researching and studying my bible, specifically Old Testament and the book of Exodus as of now. I apologise for any ignorance on my part and seeking advice from here where I deem it more appropriate for my questions. In my denomination (Roman Catholic), we date the exodus around 1446. Looking into this I ended up seeing correlation with research presented by 'Simcha Jacobovici' also known as the 'Naked Historian'. Did the Exodus Happen? | Simcha Jacobovici (Naked Archaeologist) I share an interview where he outlines his views around such dating but what stood out for me was his claim of the Talmud where he states; ' The Talmud states that only 20% of the people standing at mount Sinai were Israelites '. This is around the 01:07:18 point. My question is where are the sources for such a claim as upon google and self research I have not found anything which correlates. I also understand that the Talmud can be complex and a touchy subject online and want to reach out to my Jewish Brothers directly for the information instead. What is the consensus on what distinguished an Israelite at Mount Sinai, and further was this distinct from titles/labels such as 'Hebrew'. Additionally further I would like to bring attention to the following article: How Many Israelites Actually Left Egypt? | Mayim Achronim Here the claim is made that; ' the word אלף should not be read as elef, “thousand”, but as aluf, “chief”, or alef, “clan” '. Could this be a more sincere way of interpreting the Exodus. and the number involved, as well as the Mixed Multitude.   Best regards, E Potter

As i have understood it, when the jews got out of Egypt they didn´t have any weapons with them But not long after when they were attacked by the Amalekites, they defeated them with swords. Ex 17:13 "Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword." Where did they get the weapons (swords) from?

Is there a story about when Moses raised his staff to split the Red Sea that there were twelve different walls of water for each tribe? Is there a story where two of Korah's sons were spit back up out of the earth after they were swallowed up because they had repented?

Why did the children of Israel ask to “borrow” gold, silver and jewels of the Egyptians knowing they would not be paying it back?

I am trying to create a "profile" of the mindset of the Jewish people during their captivity in Egypt up to and including the appearance of Moses. Holy Scripture says that they prayed to God for deliverance from bondage, so they must have thought that God could deliver them in some way. But what did the Jews believe about God then, and what could He do? Did they only know Him through the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) and Joseph? Did the Hebrews only know their stories and how God interacted with them, or was there an oral tradition passed down to a few, some, or all the people regarding the creation, flood, fall of humanity, etc?

All the men of 20 years old and upward who came out of Egypt were not allowed to enter Canaan. Israel had to wander 40 years in the wilderness until the men of war died. Did this include the men of the tribe of Levite? Can you find any Rabbinical witting on this? Is there agreement on this subject or is it debated? Thanks for any help you can provide.