I saw a question asking what were the differences between the ten sayings (Ten Commandments), and this brought about a question for me, I thought that the first tablets of the Ten Commandments were destroyed / broken by Moshe. If this is so, how do we know what the first tablets said?

In ancient times, if a person was deemed unclean according to the Leviticus Law, during that time did they have to live in isolation or could they go about their daily life and actives as usual?

I recently bought item from a distributor and have not received inventory after wiring funds I’ve waited 6 months messaged and called everyday took them to court and still have haven’t been able to retrieve my funds back Is it allowed to buy products from him in hopes of receiving the item and disputing with credit card to equal amount that was taken from me

Dear Rabbi, I must admit that recent events in Israel and the world frighten me. What does Judaism teach about dealing with fear like mine? Thanks!

Under the Law, did G-d restrict the Israelites from wearing jewelry, make up, drinking wine, etc. And what was considered men’s clothing in ancient times for the Israelites? How was men and women clothes differ?

I ordered a Shema Yisrael bracelet and received this instead. What does it say/mean? Barry Sherwin

I did and said some awful things to my elderly aunt. I have tried repeatedly to apologize but she hangs up on me. Recently I have been doing lots of things for other people in an effort to make up for my wrongs. I volunteer teaching crafts once a week to people with traumatic brain injuries and I am scheduled to donate a kidney to a stranger. It really bothers me that she won’t forgive me, although my transgressions were great. I don’t know what else to do. I have written apologies and left messages on her answering machine. I do not know if I should continue to ask for forgiveness or accept that she simply will not forgive me.