Dear Rabbi, Firstly, a huge yeshar koach on this website; I feel you are providing an invaluable service to the Jewish community worldwide. My question is as follows: My city is blessed with multiple frum yeshivos, each with a slightly different hashkafa. I am currently in my final year of a 4-year post high school Bais Medrash program. I would like to know whether: Once I complete my program, I’m allowed to switch to a different rav in the city for general and specific guidance in life—a rav who has a generally more liberal hashkafa (but is still solidly within the Torah framework). And if so, do I need to obtain my current rav’s (Rosh Yeshiva’s) permission? (Reason for my question: When I enrolled in my Bais Medrash program, I wasn’t aware at the time how “right wing” and strict the yeshiva was compared to most other yeshivas in my city. Just to cite an example: The hashkafa of my Rosh Yeshiva is that bochurim should ONLY look for a wife who can financially support their full-time Torah learning. I, on the other hand, don't want to restrict my options. As much as I love learning, I also have other interests/passions and I don't see the harm in starting my own business, for example, while learning a bit in the mornings and a bit at night. Another example is regarding the use of the internet; my Rosh Yeshiva, in my view, is overly strict in his approach) Thank you! ps. On a totally unrelated matter, I noticed that on this template there is a error that you may want to fix: "Do you need a video to description the problem better ?" Should be "to describe".  

Hi Rabbi, A friend showed me a verse in the Torah that says: “All God asks is that you do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.” I am not Orthodox but am trying to learn about my Judaism and want to understand what would make me a good Jew. Is it really enough to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God” to be a good Jew? Thanks!

Shalom, Rabbi. I once heard from one rabbi that Chutzpah is so essential for Jewish survival. What is chutzpah, and why is it so important for Jewish survival? Thank you.

If a non jewish person eats non kosher, can they eat with kosher utensils rights after?

Dear Rabbi, A friend asked my opinion about his starting a business relationship with someone I think is disingenuous and a conflict entrepreneur. My friend knows I stay away from that person, without any social media contact as well. But my friend is very enthusiastic to do a deal with him and asked me why I don't have contact with him. If I were to be honest I would tell him, but it would be mostly negative and I don’t want to be a “snitch.” However, he keeps pressing me and I feel like I'm being dishonest by not telling him what I really think. He respects my opinion. How much can I say without it transgressing the Jewish laws and spirit that teach not speaking negatively against another person? Thank you.

Have a lot of printed sheets the kids bring home from school ie: Tests that have pesukim in the questions and answers ie: I print the Daily Halacha Authored by Rabbi Eli Mansour What is considered Shaimos? And which items can I discard by double wrapping and placing in the garbage?  

Dear Rabbi, I have been considering converting to Judaism, but I identify as transgender (female to male). I have not had any gender affirming treatments as of right now. Am I allowed to convert? Does Jewish law permit transitioning? If I were to convert before undergoing any treatments, would I convert as a woman, and would I have to re-do any procedures following my transition? Do I need to wait until after transition to convert? I apologize if this is a question to which the answer is obvious. Thank you!