Dear Rabbi, My child recently came home from school and complained that some classmates are picking on him. He doesn’t want to tattle on them to the teacher because this could cause the classmates to pick on him even more. Rabbi, please advise me on the Jewish way to help him. Thank you.

What is the Halacha regarding the use of profanity? Is the mere utterance of a word considered profane in one’s native tongue considered sinful?

Shalom rabbi, I want to ask that many people are athiest and sometimes verbally oppose the commandments of Torah. Once I was talking to a person about his religion. He told I do not believe in |God. He also added that there is no sin no gehinome and no heaven. I am enjoying here on earth with my numerous girlfriends. I asked that are you atheist and he told me that yes I am atheist, I do not believe in God, I follow only my girlfriend's command. When I ask about his parents he told me I lived with my mother but one of my girlfriend advised me to send my mother to a retirement home. I can throw my mother at roadside then what. He wanted to talk to me more but I blocked that person immediately. So, rabbi, now I ask you: How should I behave with those atheists?

Israel has the highest fertility rate among OECD nations. It shows sharp contrast with South Korea where fertility rate is under 1.0. Here, people say that we have to learn from Israel. Why is the fertility rate of Israel so high? What's the secret behind it?

"For God will not famish the soul of the righteous, but the property of the evil he demolishes." (Proverbs 10:3) If so, why are many wicked people rich and many honest people poor?

Hello, So when I was little at age 3 or 4 and misbehaved - it was ok for my dad to put me on his lap and pat my bottom to discipline me? Thank you.