Our son recently got engaged, and we have heard of a pre-marriage ceremony called "The Breaking of the Plate." What is the significance of this ceremony and is it done? Thank you!

Dear Rabbi, Who is a Rabbi? Does it require a degree like becoming a doctor? A bit of historical background would be appreciated. Thanks!

Dear Rabbi, I read that it is important to cover your head and not walk more than 4 Amos without a head covering out of respect for the Divine presence. For what reason is this only applicable to men? Why don't women also cover their heads before marriage?

Are there Jewish roots to the custom of saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes, or does this really have other origins?  

I am trying to debunk what I think is a myth. When a person coverts to another faith, thus renouncing Judaism, does the family respond as if they had died? Do they have a funeral and no longer consider the person "alive" to them?

If someone is a widower does one keep his beard? Also what if he is divorced?