What drives people from Jewish background to excel in their work or profession?

Among gentiles, Job is considered to be the most righteous. He was pious enough not to say any blasphemy even during his suffering. However, Job's descendants are not under the eternal covenant. It is Abraham's descendants who are covenantal people. Why was Abraham chosen, instead of Job? What was the spiritual superiority over Job?

Dear Rabbi, I apologize for asking such basic questions, but I hope you don’t mind answering them. Who is God and what is the purpose of Mankind? Thanks!

What is your view/opinion of other religions (Islam, Christianity, Mormonism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc..)?

If I am not currently Jewish can I become Jewish? Like by conversion or something?

Dear Rabbi, I recall, but can't find where, that Elokim or a word spelled almost the same is used in Tanach just to mean "great men" or "powerful men"? If so, can you tell me where? (In which case, am I right that I can write it and say it without capitalizing it and without replacing the H with a K??? ) That is my question, but the reason for the question is that a non-Jew I know in an online discussion group says that, "You shall not have other gods, Elokim acherim, before me" implies that there exist other gods. I replied that it refers to idols, etc. treated as gods but he says that's an interpretation. If, as I recall (but I could be mistaken) I could show places where elohim clearly meant people, I think he would relent. I found three inadequate locations. When the Israelites ask for the Golden Calf, they use the same word ("make us a god" ) but I think they plan to regard it as a real god. And in Shoftim 17:5 it's translated as idolatry, but that would not prove to him that they were not gods, that is, with supernatural powers. And I think I found one place in Ketuvim that was not convincing to me, maybe because it was written hundreds of years later. Am I right, that Elokim is used for "great men" somewhere in Tanach? Or was it elsewhere I saw it? Surely not the liturgy? Because I don't understand Hebrew well, I only read the Hebrew for Tanach and the liturgy, so if I correctly remember that it it is there, it must be in Tanach or the service. Thank you.

Nehemiah 13:3 Now it came to pass, when they had "heard" the "law" that they "separated" from Yisrael "all" the mixed multitude ereb spelled Ayin~Resh~Bet. I find this passage riveting. Bera means "son of evil" spelled Bet~Resh~ Ayin shares identical "letters" with ereb Ayin~Resh~Bet. This denotes the mixed multitude were "evil sons" of haughty spirit . Yisrael is a "peculiarly " clean heart people that have been Torah water "sprinkled". (Psalms 73:1 Truly, G-d "good" to Yisrael, even to "such" as are of a "clean" heart. Ezekiel 36:25 Then I will sprinkle "clean" water on you, and ye shall be clean: from all your "filthiness" and from all your "idols" will I cleanse you. Torah also teaches that Hashem will perform a "new" heart & Spirit transplant. Ezekiel 36:26 A "new" heart also will I give you, and a "new" Spirit will I put "within" you: I will take away the "stony" heart out of your "flesh", and I will give you and "heart" of flesh. Ezekiel 36:37 I will put My Spirit "within" you and "cause" you to "walk" in MY "statues" and ye shall "keep" My "judgments". In Nehemiah 13:3 afore mentioned when Yisrael (clean heart people) "heard" [shama Verb meaning to listen consent,perceive,obey] the "law" Torah, Yisrael (clean heart ) "separated" from "all" the mixed multitude. Numbers 11:4 And the "mixed" multitude that was "among" them fell a "lusting". And the children of Yisrael "wept" again, and said, Who shall give us "flesh" to eat? This oracle is astonishing indeed. The word for mixed multitude is "acpcuph" means "promiscuous" assemblage,rabble,scoundrel Aleph~Samek~Pei~Samek~Pei . Once again "clean" and "unclean" can't comfortably coexist together. Chaos, confusion, and "spiritual " contamination will "always" permeate. So what's the "solution" to all this haughty spirit evolution in the world today? Shalom