We are thinking of moving to a new town that is much more orthodox that Woodbridge (Lakewood), and a major sticking point is our pets, namely our dog. Simply put, is she muktzeh. Some say not for us, only for others; some just say yes. Do I look for a new home for her, or us?

IS there any problem with having your bris performed by your father? If he isn't a mohel? What are the requirments for a bris to be kosher?

I have been studying the Pentateuch, specifically to try to create my own chart of the feasts and offerings using the NKJB. I have a question: while studying Leviticus 23:15-22 and Numbers 28:26-31, I noticed a discrepency between the numbers of the sacrifices. This leads me to think 1) it is a copiest error, or 2) these are two different sacrifices. My friend, a former pastor, believes that these "first fruits" offerings occur before and after the Sabbaths of the Passover/Unleavened Bread week. If this is true, it seems rather arbitrary as to what happens when. So, I wanted to ask an expert. Could you please clarify these passages for me?

Does it say in the bible that the Jewish people will be saved if they just believe in G-d?