Dear Rabbi: My question is: When did Israel become seperated from the human race? If we are all descendants of Adam and Eve then why are non-Jews called Gentiles? At what point of the Bible did this happen?

In first and Second Century BCE would Gentiles have been allowed into synagogues to hear the word and study along side the Jewish worshipers?

I have become completely disheartened. I am a veteran, but no one seems to honor veterans anymore. Desoute currrent events, I have have been reviled on, called names and spit on, yes spit in by kids standing in front of their parents. Even at synagogue. litle is done who stood against the greates foe we have ever faced. Also,little seems to be done for the middle age Jew without a mate. I, at times feel so very alone. I try to turn to my synagogue for help, but we are between rabbis (again). I woud like my service to be repescted and I am tired of being the :extra person at every event. It is jsut so despressing. By he way the font on this box is hard to see.

In first and Second Century BCE would Gentiles have been allowed into synagogues to hear the word and study along side the Jewish worshipers?

I have become completely disheartened. I am a veteran, but no one seems to honor veterans anymore. Desoute currrent events, I have have been reviled on, called names and spit on, yes spit in by kids standing in front of their parents. Even at synagogue. litle is done who stood against the greates foe we have ever faced. Also,little seems to be done for the middle age Jew without a mate. I, at times feel so very alone. I try to turn to my synagogue for help, but we are between rabbis (again). I woud like my service to be repescted and I am tired of being the :extra person at every event. It is jsut so despressing. By he way the font on this box is hard to see.