If I cook pancakes in less than 18 minutes (the way I’d do with matzah only with other ingredients), would it still be forbidden to eat? Why or why not? Thank you!

Hi, I'm wondering if it is permitted to write one's name, last name or something similar on the inside cover of a religious book and if so is there a specific way one should do this? Thank you

I would like to know if I invite people to a business lunch and there is a Jew between them, and the Jew orders a non kosher meal, if it is ok ​for me to pay for the meal. Thanks

Hi, I have lettuce that I grew using hydroponics (not in the earth/dirt) can o use it for my seder? I’ve heard some say since it’s bracha is shehakol better not to use it… do we hold its bracha is shehakol? And can it be used lechatchila for the seder?