Nishmat Kol Chai-Shabbat Prayers


On Weekday Morning service, Az Yashir is followed by Yishtabach.

On Shabbat and Festival Morning service, Az Yashir is followed by Nishmat and eventually Yishtabach.

Then the following prayers are recited on Shabbat and Festivals:
HaEil B’Ta’AtzUMot (only on Festivals)
ShoChein Ad
B’Fi Y’ShaRim
Yishtabach, which is the concluding prayer of Pseukei D’Zimra.

1. Where does Nishmat prayer end?
2. Why are the first words of each paragraph said aloud and emphasized (meaning the words listed above)?



  1. 1. Good question! And one that I do not have a definitive answer to. The majority of opinions seem to be that Nishmat ends with the words “Hamelech Hayoshev Al Kisei Ram Venisa.” However, some opinions are that it actually ends after “Shochen Ad.” The reason for the second opinion is that the author for Nishmat is unknown, but the letters “yud” “tzadik” “chet” and “kuf” are embedded in “Shochen Ad,” and it is possible that the author was someone named Yitzchak.

    2. Among the Sefardic communities the words are not emphasized, as every word of the prayers is said out loud. Among the Ashkenazic communities the prayers are recited quietly, and only the beginning and the end of each prayer is normally said out loud so that the congregation can keep up with the Chazan.

    Best wishes from the Team

  2. I am surprised that the majority opinion is the words “Hamelech Hayoshev …”
    since they are only said on Festivals, not Shabbat.

    Then you mention it may end AFTER Shochen Ad. Where does Shochen Ad end?

  3. They are only said out loud on Yom Tov but they are an integral part of Nishmat and they are recited every week.

    Presumably the end of Shochen Ad is the word “Titkadash” although it is possible to say that it “Avdecha Meshichecha” at the end of the paragraph that begins “Uvemakhalot”.

    Best wishes from the Team