Good Morning, Thank you for considering my question. I recently read a story of an occurrence during the Holocaust at Auschwitz and I'm attempting to verify it, if that is possible. Here is what I read: "As in all camps, there was no lack of great Jewish scholars at Auschwitz. One night, ten of the greatest scholars there made a Jewish court of law and put God on trial." "How is it possible that God, who is totally good, could create such a living hell as Auschwitz? The debate rages back and forth all night, until finally, the court returned a verdict of "Guilty." God was guilty of failing His people. However, on finishing the court, the entire barrack got up and began to pray the morning prayers. Even after finding God guilty, they prayed to Him." Is there a way to verify this? Thank you, Tommy

If Jewish men were commanded not to go near a woman in advance of the giving of the Torah, why didn’t it become a commandment for all future generations for men to repeat this practice annually and to refrain from going near a woman in the days leading up to Shavuos in order to reach a higher spiritual realm?

Dear Rabbi, I heard that today is a Jewish holiday called “Tu B’Shevat – New Year for the Trees.” Would you explain the message of this holiday for us today? Thanks.